5 easy tips to handle your toddler’s sleep tantrums

by motherandbaby |
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Bedtime used to be a calm and tranquil wind-down. Now, it’s the time of day you dread the most. Thankfully, our guide to busting the bedtime blues will help you side-step the tears andtantrums. (Your toddler’s and yours!)

Once upon a time, all your baby needed before bed was a bath, bottle and 22 minutes ofIggle Piggleand Upsy Daisy dancing around the Ninky Nonk.

Fast forward two years and your beautifully behaved, freshly bathed bubba is now a fully grown tantruming toddler. So how do you restore order to the bedtime battleground?
Bedtimetantrums are far from uncommon and can be caused by reluctance to end activities, wanting to assert authority or simply being over-tired. All well and good, but when you’ve been running around after a crazed toddler all day or had a particularly stressy day at the office, bedtime can’t come soon enough.

We have 5 easy tips that can help end the meltdown misery and reclaim your calmer evenings!


Managing sleep tantrums